Juice Box

A Free Online Community for Product Builders

Community Community

Our free private Discord community, 🧃Juice Box, is a welcoming home for product builders looking to connect, collaborate, and enrich their careers.

United by a drive to create, learn, and level up, we cultivate an inclusive space to:

Whether you’re starting your journey or a seasoned expert, our community aims to welcome all who want to build the next generation of world-changing products and services.

If this mission resonates, join the waitlist to become a member!

Find Your Peers

We want members to feel at home from day one, so we’ve developed personas that help you identify the group within our community that best represents you:

Aspiring Strategists
Force Multipliers
Entrepreneurial Spirits
Connective Visionaries
Holistic Leaders
Precision Analysts
Fulfillment Chasers
Knowledge Guardians

Your persona will be displayed as a color-coded role (and shown on your profile) so other members can understand where you’re coming from when collaborating. Feel free to change it as you grow!

Get a Head Start on Sippin’. Join Early!  

While we are currently private, we’ve asked our closest friends and colleagues in the product building space to help pilot our community for a few months. This ensures we craft a human and connection focused experience before opening up more widely.